Listen to our Experts in Modern Education

KidsGoneGlobal_3000x3000In the podcast series "Kids Gone Global"  we embark on a journey to understand how the International School of Hamburg, Germany’s pioneering institution in international education, shapes its students into global citizens.
Join Sarah Reich, Director of Community Relations as she leads us on this journey. Through discussions with students and experts in education, learn about this school's approach to helping students hone their skills to be ready to actively engage in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

Dr. Alan Knobloch

What Skills Do Students Need to Thrive in a Global Environment?

Laura Jakubowski

Teaching Digital Citizenship to Children

Michael Kent

The Great Outdoors: Learning Through The Duke of Edinburgh Award Program

Dr. Suzan Weishof

The Power of Play-based Learning

Tracey Rabbitts

Data driven teaching and learning in Early Education

Adrian More

COMING SOON Why the Arts matter in Education

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In this first episode, we delve into the core of the matter: what is the purpose of school today? What skills do students need to learn for their future and how do schools go about teaching them?  

Our guest, Dr. Alan Knobloch, the Head of the International School of Hamburg, will argue that to best prepare citizens of the future who can thrive in an ever-changing global environment, schools should aim to serve the needs of the child as a whole, develop students’ knowledge and their talents, but also, and increasingly, their socio-emotional wellbeing and resilience. How do they go about this? Tune into this podcast to learn more.  

Reading List: 

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Education Technology Integration Coach, Laura Jakubowski, shares insights on teaching digital citizenship to students. From an early age, students are taught to navigate the online world, use technology responsibly, critically, and fluently. The curriculum includes teaching how to remain safe online, how to add value to their lives and the society, and emphasizes on maintaining media balance and data protection. Laura discusses how the program helps students to grapple with complex concepts such as digital footprint and media literacy. She also sheds light on addressing cyberbullying from various angles. A significant point students are taught is technology should be used to make meaningful connections.

Reading List: 

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In this episode, we explore those fundamental skills that young people can acquire outside the traditional classroom and school campus, particularly in the great outdoors. 


Our guest, Michael Kent, a Geography and Environmental Science teacher at the International School of Hamburg, will introduce the Duke of Edinburgh International Award program he opened up in Hamburg. He'll discuss how these experiences in nature and broader society contribute to enriching essential life skills and reinforce what students learn in school.

So tune in for a breath of fresh air.

Reading List: 

Good research on the impacts of the program in the UK:

Good resources and tools for students doing it in Germany:


In this episode 'The Power of Play-based learning,' Dr. Suzan Weishof explains how unstructured play is crucial for developing social skills, negotiation skills, and problem-solving abilities. Based on these important findings, Suzan describes how the International School of Hamburg incorporates play-based learning into its program and its after school care offer. She explains how play assists teachers in meeting the individual needs of each child. The interview concludes with a discussion about the decline of unstructured play in children's lives and the role of parents in encouraging learner agency by providing time, space, and open-ended materials for their children's play.


Reading List: 

  • Cohen, L. (2009). Playful Parenting. Random House.
  • Landreth, G. L. (2012). Play therapy: The art of the relationship. Routledge.
  • Weishof, S. E. (2019). Play and speech therapy in schools: Toward a model of interprofessional collaborative practice. In Early Childhood Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 186-216). IGI Global
  • Whitebread, D., Basilio, M., Kuvalja, M., & Verma, M. (2012). The importance of play. University of Cambridge.
  • KARAOĞLU, S. (2020). The importance of play in pedagogy in curriculum delivery and play provision for young children’s learning and development. Erciyes Journal of Education, 4(2), 18-34.


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This episode of Kids Gone Global, "Data Driven Teaching and Learning in Early Education" Tracy Rabbitts, Assistant Principal at the International School of Hamburg (ISH), shares her insights into utilizing data to enhance teaching practices.

Tracy's journey as an educator began in England, where she recognized the importance of assessing student learning. Upon transitioning to ISH, Tracy delved deeper into data analysis to understand student needs better. She explains the data-wise process implemented at ISH, which involves setting specific learning goals based on data analysis and implementing targeted teaching strategies.

Through concrete examples, Tracy demonstrates how ISH uses data analysis to inform lesson planning, support continual growth in student learning, and identify trends in student performance. She emphasizes the importance of collaboration among educators and the involvement of parents in supporting students' learning journeys.

Overall, the episode highlights the transformative role of data analytics in education, empowering educators to tailor instruction, foster critical thinking, and promote student success through personalized learning experiences.

Reading List: Data Wise process

Edutopia - 3 ways student data can inform your teaching

In this episode, we delve into the critical role of arts in education with Adrian More, an award-winning pianist, composer, stage director and Head of Arts department at the International School of Hamburg.

Adrian shares insights from his journey and student success stories, highlighting the transformative impacts of arts on mental resilience and self-belief as well as discipline and critical thinking. He addresses challenges in integrating arts into the education system and presents compelling data supporting the positive influence of a robust arts program on students' overall performance.

Adrian also explores the potential and opportunities presented by AI in the creative landscape and provides valuable advice for educators and parents to nurture creativity and artistic expression in students.

This discussion underscores the arts' unique capacity to foster individuality and build essential social skills for modern citizens.